Natural Resources Management (13OZS22O1)

Getting familiar with renewable and non-renewable natural resources and manners of their exploitation. Developing awareness of the necessity of further improvement of the concept of sustainable development in rational use planning and natural resource management.

Developing awareness of the need for proper management of natural and human resources.

Theoretical lectures

1.Getting acquainted with the course content and the obligations of the students frequenting the course.

2. Types and typification of natural resources.

3. Mineral resources.

4. Climate resources.

5. Water resources.

6. Land resources.

7. Biogenic resources.

8. Energy resources.

9. Alternative energy sources.

10. Exploitation of natural resources.

11. Impact of the exploitation of natural resources on the environment.

12. Protection of natural resources.

13. Natural resource management.

14. Development planning based on natural resources.

15. Examples of natural resources treatment in Serbia.

Practical lectures

Analysis of climate resources in Serbia and the world. Analysis and mapping of water resources in Serbia. Protection and management of water resources. Analysis and mapping of land resources. Analysis and mapping of biogenic resources. Analysis and mapping of mineral resources in Serbia. Preparation of a seminar paper.

Pešić, R. Ekonomija prirodnih resursa i životne sredine, Beograd, 2002.

Magdalinović, M., Magdalinović-Kalinović, M. Upravljanje prirodnim resursima, Bor 2007.

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