Methods and Techniques of Demographic Analysis (2013D12I8)

An interdisciplinary approach and a synthetic view of the complex problem of interconnectedness of all components of population movements, demographic structures and demographic development factors.

Mastering methods of research and system analysis of demographic development in order to introduce new theoretical generalizations in the field of demography, but also in the function of concrete applied research for the development of development programs, spatial plans, etc.

Macro and Micro Approach in Exploring Demographic Phenomena. The importance of formal demography in the study of demographic phenomena. The importance of qualitative methods for demographic research. Population statistics bases. Alternative sources of population data. Methods and techniques of demographic analysis. Improvements in natural renewal techniques, migration and population structure. Methods and techniques of studying the spatial distribution of the population. Methods and techniques of researching the demographic aspects of families, households and settlements. Modernization of methods and techniques in the production of population projections. Types and models of the population. Application of demographic research in social practice.

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