Methodology of Geospatial and Environmental Science and GIS (2013D12I6)
- Level of study PhD academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Miroljub Milinčić
Ph.D. Sanja Stojković
Ph.D. Dragica Gatarić
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 8
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 4
The enabling students, on the basis of geosystem analysis and synthesis, at the geocomponent and geocomplex level, examine and interpret the state and problems in the environment. In addition to the analysis, on a quantitative and qualitative level, the current state of the environment (geosphere and geocomplex level), the candidate will be able to perceive trends and reconstruction of past (ecological history), as well as scientific forecasting of future potential changes (phenomena, processes and objects) of environmental elements and factors. Through the research of the state and the problem, various possibilities of synthesis and integration of facts and ideas related to the research of different media and geospatial systems of the environment will be presented on the territorially different models of systems. It will be pointed to the necessity of overcoming the concept of the environment as a dual system (nature and society, living and non-living), but also as a simple aggregate of the constituent parts of the geospace. By examining the situation and problems, the candidate acquires the basics for a comprehensive interpretation of complex geospatial relations in the environment and the possibilities of their application in other complex scientific disciplines: landscape ecology, complex geography, noology, sozology, natursociology, etc.
Upon completion of the course, PhD students in real-life conditions, through the general and specific methodological frameworks of modern environmental research, are trained to analyze: resources and conditions of the environment, status and problems, determine quantitative and qualitative capacity, and scientifically predict the trends and dynamics of changes.
The course has two basic segments: 1) Processing of methodological-professional literature in the subject matter; 2) Creation or analysis of a concrete Project of Environmental Status and Problem and simulation of potential changes, as well as proposals for measures and activities for the purpose of its development.
- Lješević M. (2005): „Teorija i metodologija životne sredine”, Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
- Veselinović D., Gržetić I., Đarmati Š., Marković D. (1995): „Fizičkohemijski osnovi zaštite životne sredine – stanja i procesi u životnoj sredini”, Fakultet za fizičku hemiju, Beograd.
- Milinčić M. & Đorđević T. (2011) Management of Spring Zones of Surface Water - The Prevention of Ecological Risks on the Example of Serbia and South Eastern Europe, Understanding and Managing Threats to the Environment in South Eastern Europe (Meško, Dimitrijevic & Fields, eds.), NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer Netherlands, pp. 225-249.
- Milinčić A. M. (2009) Izvorišta površinskih voda Srbije – ekološka ograničenja i revitalizacija naselja, Univerzitet u Beogradu Geografski fakultet, Beograd, str. 1-281.
- Milinčić M, Dimitrijević D, Đorđević T. (2011) Climate Impacts on Environmental Refugees and Security in South Eastern Europe, Journal of Balkan Ecology, vol. 14, No 3, str. 243-253.
- Stapleton, P.JT, Cooney, A.M., Hix, W.H. (1996): „Environmental Management and Monitoring Systems-An Implementation Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Organizations”, NSF International, Michigan;
- Wadsworth R., Treweek J. (1999): “Geographical Information System for Ecology”, Longman, Edinburgh.
Puzović, S., Grubač, B., (1998): Stanje i problemi zaštite prirode u Srbiji i koncepcija daljih aktivnosti na zaštiti, Posebna izdanja Republičkog zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije, br 12. Zaštita prirode i turizam u Srbiji, Beograd; - Metodologija za izradu lokalnih ekoloških akcionih planova, REC kancelarija, Beograd
- Directive 2001/42/EC on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment, EU Parlament
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