Methodology of Cartographic Research (2013D12I4)

  • Level of study PhD academic studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Jasmina Jovanović
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 8
  • Semester: II
  • Number of classes: 4

Complex research, detection and representation of geo-spatial content components using a cartographic method in the form of a cartographic methodological algorithm. Study of the methodology of cartographic research based on modeling and digital cartographic interactive visualization and interpretation of the geo-spatial content. Acquiring knowledge by studying the methodology of constructing a spatinomographic model in the unity of quantity and quality of the subject geo-spatial theme with the properties of metricity, spatiality and legitimacy.

Acquisition and application of fundamental theoretical-methodological and applied cartographic knowledge for various scientific and practical needs in the process of obtaining complex information about the geo-space. By studying the methodology of mapping the geo-spatial research, a scientific-information cognitive framework is provided in the appropriate context of multidisciplinary research. Theoretical and methodological elaboration and practical application of semi-dimensional mapping in the production of thematic maps for the purpose of spationomographic interpretation of the treated topic. Understanding the significance of the concept of the spacial system atlas as a specific methodological approach in the framework of atlas cartography. Spacecustomatic atlas in a specific methodical way treats problems at regional, national or other borders, but with the mapping of components in a wider area in which their development significantly affects the development of mapped components within the boundaries of the spatial whole; By comparing spatial diversity, development intensity and other component indicators in a wider area, it is possible to comprehensively examine their characteristics within the treated spatial unit. Cartographic visualization implies conceptual modeling of space, which enables an efficient analytical approach to the study of space components. By visual analytics through cartographic presentation models, efficient acquisition and use of geo-information, acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of the geo-spatial is facilitated. Modern geo-visualization methods allow the flexibility of applications that include multidimensional and multivariate presentations.

Theoretical lectures

1. Development of cartography; 2. Cartography in the system of scientific research of geo-spatial content; 3. Cartographic methods; 4. Cartographic generalization; 5. Dichotomous classification of map contents and atlases; 6. Semi-portrait cartography; 7. Mapographic translation of geo-spatial data. 8. Digital processing and production of maps and atlases based on GIS; 9. Thematic cartography; 10. Gnoseological meaning of the cartographic language; 11. Atlas Cartography; 12. Cartographic design; 13. Specificity of theoretical and applied cartographic research; 14. Digital cartographic visualization; 15. Cartographic communication.

  1. Brodersen L. (2008): Geo-communication and information design. / /
  2. Volodčenko A. (2009): Kartosemiotik,  e-Lexikon. Verlag: Selbstverlag der Technischen Universitat Dresden.;
  3. Sretenović Lj. (2010): Ekvivalentnost skalarnog semiorazmera i valernog semiorazmera u specifičnom semiorazmernom kartografisanju. Zbornik radova sa Međunarodnog naučnog skupa ”Teritorijalni aspekti razvoja Srbije i susednih zemalja”. Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet. str. 543-546.;
  4. Jovanović J. (2012): Cartographic visualisation and information society. Geografski razgledi, Makedonsko geografsko društvo,  kn. 46, pp. 59-68., Skopje, MGD.;
  5. Jovanović J., Živković D., (2012): Kartografska geovizuelizacija prostornih podataka. Zbornik radova sa Međunarodnog naučnog skupa ”Problemi i izazovi savremene geografske nauke i nastave”. Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet. str. 189-193.;
  6. Jovanović J. (2012): Geosistemnost kompleksnih geografskih atlasa. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, Sv.XCII–Br.3., str.19-34., Beograd: SGD.;
  7. Jovanović J. (2013): Digital cartographic visualization in the function of the development of integrated cultural tourism and international cultural collaboration. International scientific conference "Culturni corridor VIA DIAGONALIS cultural tourism without boundaries". SWU „Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Economics, Department of Tourism, Blagoevgrad; Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade. Sofia&Belgrade, pp 71-78.

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