Methodology in Geography Teaching 1 (NOG41O6)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Ljiljana Živković
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 3
  • Semester: VII
  • Number of classes: 2+1

To meet students with the historical development, theoretical and methodological approaches to teaching geography. Develop the skills of students for forming performance, concepts and principles in the teaching of geography through didactic principles and methodical peculiarities of teaching geography.

Competence of students, future teachers, based on the application of acquired knowledge and skills that involve experiential learning through critical analysis of the theory and practice.

Theoretical lectures

Geography over the centuries in the eyes of others, Brief overview of the object of study of geography, The contribution non-geographers to the development of geography in the past, Thinking pedagogist, writers and others about the geography, Serbian intellectuals non-geographers about geography, The subject of study and tasks teaching methods in geography, The subject of the study teaching methods in geography, The tasks of studying teaching methods in geography, The relationship of teaching methods in geography to other sciences, Teaching and literature, Geography as a school subject and its development, Tasks of geography, Methodical peculiarities of teaching geography, School situation in Serbia at the beginning of the 19th century, Teaching geography in primary schools, The appearance of the first geography textbook, Teaching geography in secondary schools, Teaching geography in secondary vocational schools, Teaching geography in education reform. The development of university teaching geography, Geography teaching at the Lyceum, the school and the University (1838/1945), The development teaching methods in geography as a separate academic subject, Role of geography in the comprehensive development of personality, Social conditions of formation of harmonic personality, Role of geography in the development of mental abilities, Geography and moral education, Teaching geography and aesthetic education, Contribution of geography teaching physical education, Contribution of teaching geography to environmental protection, Role of geography in work and polytechnic education, Teaching geography in general education, The topic in teaching geography, Forming performance, concepts and principles in the teaching of geography, Methodical peculiarities of physical and geographical themes, Methodical peculiarities of socio-geographical themes, Methodical peculiarities of regional-geographical themes, Methodical peculiarities of cartographic themes, Methodical peculiarities of universal geographical themes, Methodical peculiarities theme of environmental protection. Specifics of application of didactic principles in the teaching of geography, Definition of didactic principles. The principle of scientific and educational orientation, The principle of adaptation of educational content to the age of students, The principle of conscious activity listeners, The principle of gradual and systematic, The principle of obviousness, The principle of integration of theory and practice, The principle of rationalization and efficiency, The principle of individuation, The principle of sustainability knowledge, skills and habits, Correlation between didactic principles. The development of the theory of learning, The process of forming concepts, theoretical assumptions of Lev Vygotsky, Theoretical approach Jean Piaget, Theoretical items John Flav, Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives.

Aussubel, D., (1968). Educational Psychology, a Cognitive view. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York.

Brofi, Dž. (2004).  Nastava. Beograd: Pedagoško  društvo  Srbije.

Bonwell,  Charles  C., James  Eison, A.  (1991). Active Learning:  Creating  Excitement  in  the  Classroom.  ASHE-ERIC  Higher  Education  Report.  Washington.

Vigotski, L. S. (1996). Problemi opšte psihologije. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.

Terhart, E. (2001). Metode poučavanja i učenja. Zagreb: Educa.

Ivić, I., Pešikan, A., Antić, S. (2001). Aktivno učenje. Ministarstvo prosvete i sporta Republike  Srbije: Institut za psihologiju.

Živković, Lj., Jovanović, S., Rudić, V. (2015). Metodika nastave geografije. Beograd: Srpsko geografsko društvo.

Živković, Lj., Živković, N., Jovanović, S. (2007). Uloga nastavnika geografije u formiranju ekološke svesti učenika u osnovnoj školi. Zbor¬nik radova „Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine“. Palić, APPS, Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Živković, LJ., Jovanović, S. (2009). Problemi zaštite životne sre¬dine u sistemu formalnog obrazovanja. Zbornik radova „Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine“, Palić.  Živković, LJ., Jovanović, S., Asentić, Ž. (2010). Teorijski as¬pekt programirane nastave geografije. Zbornik radova Geografskog fakulteta, sv. LVIII, Beograd.

Živković, Lj. (2007). Zastupljenost ekoloških sadržaja u udžbenicima geografije za osnovnu školu. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.

Jovanović, S., Živković Lj., Miljković, O., Anđelković, S., Živković, N. (2011). Interdependance of the predictors of environmentally responsible behaviour. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 12, book 4A, Sofia, Bulgaria.

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