Medical Geography and Health Tourism (NOT41O4)

The goal of medical geography is to study the influence of geographic environment factors on the quality of health, as well as the emergence and spread of the disease. Within the framework of medical geography, the geography of the disease (nozogeography) is distinguished, whose basic task is the geographical distribution of the disease, i.e. studying the lawfulness of forming an area human disease.The goal of other medical-geographical discipline - geography of health (sanogeography) is to study the environmental factors which has the most impact on human health.

By acquiring knowledge, students are able to properly interpret the influence of geographic factors on the quality of health and the formation of areas of certain diseases.

Theoretical lectures

Medical geography - concept. Geological, pedological and geomorphological factors and population health.Biogeographical and biological (biotic) factors and health. Hydrological factors. The influence of climate and weather on human health. Population as a medical-geographical category. Pathology of urban and rural environment. Economic activities and population health. Socio-economic factors and population health. Geography of disease (nozogeography). Epidemiology of the environment. Geography of communicable diseases. Geography of infectious diseases. Geography of health (sanogeography). Health tourism. Medical-geographical basics of recreation. Balneological and tourism aspects of thermomineral water sources. Health-tourism aspect of coastal climate and water. Health-tourism aspect of the climate locations of Serbia.

Practical lectures

Practical presentation of the positive and negative effects of certain geographical factors on the health of the population – examples in Serbia and the world. Cartographic diagnosis of the diseases (or health) and connection with possible causes from the geographical environment.

Jovičić Ž.: Osnovi medicinske geografije Srbije (teorijsko-metodološki koncept), Srpsko geografsko društvo, Beograd, 1998.

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