Management of Degraded Areas (13MZS1I3)

  • Level of study master academic studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Ivan Novković
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 7
  • Semester: I
  • Number of classes: 3

Introduction to the phenomenon, factors of formation and control of degraded areas. Determination of the lawfulness of the occurrence (genesis) of degraded areas, perception of negative consequences, and introduction to the methodology of management of degraded areas.

A complex view of the various factors that affect the appearance of degraded areas on Earth, as well as the consequences of their formation.

Theoretical lectures:

1. Getting acquainted with the subject contests and student obligations for the given course;
2. Concept, phenomenon, classification and importance of allocation of degraded surfaces;
3-4. Determination and allocation of surfaces degraded by natural-anthropogenic processes;
5-6. Determination and allocation of surfaces degraded by anthropogenic processes;
7. Mapping and zoning of terrain with different degree of degradation of natural conditions;
8. Development of a cadastre of degraded areas;
9. Analysis of the degree of degradation of the selected area;
10. Measures for recultivation of degraded areas;
11. Possibilities for managing degraded areas;
12. Protection and recultivation of degraded areas on the territory of Serbia;

13-15. Creation and presentation of seminar paper.

  1. Dragićević S., Stepić M., Karić I. (2008): Prirodni potencijali i degradirane površine opštine Obrenovac. Naučna monografija, Jantar grupa, Beograd, str. 1-180.
  2. Slaymaker O. (2000): Geomorphology, Human activity and Global Environmental Change. John Wiley & Sons.
  3. Govide A. (2006): The Human Impact on the Natural Environment. Blackwell publishing, USA.
  4. Toy T., Foster G., Renard K. (2002): Soil erosion – processes, prediction, measurment and control. John Wileys & Sons, New York.
  5. Szabo J., David L., Loczy D. (2010): Anthropogenic Geomorphology – A guide to Man-made landforms. Springer publication.
  6. Dragicević S., Nenadović S., Jovanović B., Milanović M., Novković I., Pavić D., Lje¬še¬vić M. (2010): Degradation of Topciderska river water quality (Belgrade). Car¬pat¬hian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5(2), pp. 177–184.
  7. Dragićević S., Milevski I. (2010): Human Impact on the Landscape – Examples from Ser¬bia and Macedonia. Advances in GeoEcology, no41, Global Change – Cha¬llen¬ges for soil ma¬na¬gement Miodrag Zlatic (Ed.), ISBN 978-3-923381-57-9, CATENA VER¬¬LAG GMBH, Germany (pp. 298-309).

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