Landscape Protection and Planning (13OZS32O5)

Research of natural and anthropogenic processes in the landscape development.

Training for participation in the preparation of spatial and urban plans and implementation of planning statements in the area of planning and landscaping.

Theoretical lectures

1. Concept of the landscape from the ecology point of view; General principles in the ecology of the landscape;

2. Nonlinear landscape elements; Linear landscape elements (corridors); Matrix and networks of the landscape;

3. A complex approach to the landscape; Natural and anthropogenic processes in the landscape development;

4. Flows between the landscape elements (forces, air flow, soil, watercourses, condition of living matter);

5. Landscape functioning; Landscape changing;

6. Development of the need for planning and landscaping (historical review); Location of planning and landscaping in the general spatial planning;

7. Significance for the environmental protection (landscape protection, nature protection, outdoor recreation, greenery systems);

8. Ecological planning (as a methodological process, part of the integral planning and the strategic process);

9. Objective and subject of the planning and landscaping; Phases in the planning and landscaping;

10. Division of a landscape, landscape units, or a complex of landscape elements or ecosystems;

11. Development of the landscape plan;

12. Landscape analysis (inventory elements - geological, morphological, hydrological, pedological, microclimatic, vegetative, faunistic);

13. Landscape diagnosis; Geographical (spatial) information systems and their role in the landscaping;

14. Planning of options and choices, solutions of a landscape plan, implementation;

15. Landscape evaluation (general requirements, methods, techniques); Quantitative methods; Modeling and simulation as processes in the planning and landscaping.

Practical lectures

Practical work, or preparation of a seminar, is based on the practical training in a specific landscape (fieldwork). Students divided into groups, process a single segment-characteristic of the landscape: graphical, tabular and textual preparation of a work for public presentation and defense.

Planiranje predela, Monografija „Planiranje i uređenje predela”, Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Beograd. 1996. god.

Macura V. (1989): Grad i urbanizovani predeo. Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.

Cvejić J., Vasiljević N., Tutundžić A. (2008): Tipologija predela Beograda, za potrebe primene Evropske konvencije o predelima. Stručna monografija, Beograd.

Vasiljević N. (2012): Planiranje predela kao instrument prostornog razvoja Srbije. Doktorska disertacija, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.

Planiranje i zaštita predela i ruralnih prostora (odabrani radovi 15-138 str), u: Zbornik radova ''Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine'', knjiga 2, APPS i Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2013. god.

''Zelena regulativa Beograda'', I, II, III i IV faza projekta, Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine grada Beograda, Beograd. 2003., 2005., 2007.,... god.

Cvejić J. (1999): Predeona ekologija. Autorizovana skripta, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.

Cvejić J. (1999): Uređenje predela i zaštita prirode. Autorizovana skripta, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd.

Naveh Z., Lieberman A. (1994): Landscaping ecology, Theory and aplication, Springer Verlag, New York.

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