Hydrology 2 (NOG22O2)

Introduction with hydrological objects on Earth that have specific forms of water movement (lakes, swamps, glaciers and the World Sea) - with their origin, properties and legitimacy of movement. Also, the aim is to point to their significance, the forms of use and protection.

Acquiring knowledge about the entire hydrological sphere of the Earth and the ability to detect and analyze hydrological problems, as well as to find appropriate measures for their elimination.

Theoretical lectures

Introduction to the subject of study of Hydrology 2, teaching organization, basic literature, scoring system of basic activities.
Limnology - the science of lakes.
Genesis and division of lakes.Depression and crypto depression.
Lake types.
Lake feeding and its water balance.Lake waves.Denivelation of lake level.
Seiche. Seasonal changes of the lake level. Annual and multi-year changes of lake level.
Thermal regime of lake water
Lake - a living community. The importance of the lake.
Swamps - origin, division, hydrological regime and significance.
Glaciers - origin, movement, regime and types.
Hydrological importance of the glacier.Avalanche.Permafrost.
Oceanology - development and division. Horizontal division of the World Sea.
The ocean floor.Sediments of the seabed.Salinity of seawater.
Optical properties of seawater.Thermal regime of sea water.Ice on the sea.
The sea waves.Sea currents.
Tides.Importance of the sea and its protection.

Practical lectures

Morphometric characteristics of the lake.
Development of wind waves on lakes. The theory of trochoidal waves.
Thermal classification of lakes.
The analysis of ecological catastrophe of the selected lake.
Artificial lakes - a tour of the Savsko Lake.
Avalanches in Serbia - phenomena and protection.
Physical properties of seawater.
Chemical properties of seawater.
Changing the surface temperature of the ocean.
El Ninjo - a hydrological and atmospheric phenomenon.
The trend of changing the water temperature of the ocean.Correlations with individual hydrological parameters.
Problem of  seapollution.
Ocean currents.
Currents in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea.

Dukić D, GavrilovićLj. (2006): Hidrologija. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.

GavrilovićLj, Dukić D. (2002): RekeSrbije. Zavod za udžbenike  i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.

Stanković S. (2005): Jezera sveta. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd

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