Hotel Industry (NOT42O3)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: VIII
- Number of classes: 2+1+2
Formation of relations with hotel industry as a business of key importance for tourism development. Understanding the importance of hotel industry for the overall socio-economic development of the economy of a certain territory (cities, regions, countries). Understanding the market dimension of hotel industry and the necessity of various forms of its manifestation in practice. Identification of the basic factors from the impact on the grouping, classification and typification of catering facilities in practice.
Acquiring basic knowledge in the field of hotel industry that provide the basis for further upgrading in this field. Identifying and understanding the specifics of hotel business operations within different groups, types, types and categories of catering facilities of a certain capacity. Application of these specifics in the practice of hotel business through the manifestation of basic economic-commercial and managerial functions of hotel industry.
Theoretical lectures
Basic concepts in hotel industry. 2. Basic and additional activities of hotel industry. 3. Types of services in the hotel industry. 4. The nature of the work and the way of working operations in the hotel industry. 5. Functions of the hotel industry. 6. The place of hotel industry in the tourist industry. 7. Connection of hotel industry with other economic and non-business activities. 8. The concept and basic specifics of the hotel product. 9. The term catering object. 10. Systematization of catering facilities. 11. Capacity of catering facilities. 12. Classification of catering facilities for accommodation. 13. The concept, capacity and typification of the hotel. 14. Other types of catering facilities for accommodation. 15. Categorization of catering facilities for accommodation.
Practical lectures
Historical review of the development of domestic and international hotel industry. Introducing the scope and structure of international and domestic hotel industry. The elaboration of theoretical teaching based on the analysis of cases from domestic and international hotel practice. Practical significance of systematization of catering facilities - case analysis and discussion. Representation of different types, types and categories of catering facilities in the total accommodation capacity of a certain area as an indicator of the degree of development and market orientation of the hotel industry. Tour of Belgrade hotels.
Косар, Љ.: Хотелијерство I, ВХШ, Београд 2012
Косар, Љ.: Хотелијерство II, ВХШ, Београд 2010
″Хотеллинк″ 1-20/2003-2012,часопис за теорију и праксу хотелијерства,ВХШ, Београд - избор текстова
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