Historic Demography (NOD22O4)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Gordana Vojković
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 7
  • Semester: IV
  • Number of classes: 3+2

Getting to know the sources of data and ways of reconstructing the population in the past, explaining the causes and consequences of historical demographic trends.

Mastering the use and interpretation of historical data sources and methods of population reconstruction in the past; training for independent research work in the field of historical demography.

Theoretical lectures

The concept, subject and goals of historical demography. Theoretical and methodological approaches in historical demography. Sources of data for historical demography. Historical documents and other data sources relevant to historical demography. Advantages and disadvantages of using relevant data sources in historical-demography analysis.
Paleodemography. Estimations of vital rates, models of mortality and population growth in prehistory.
Global socio-historical, economic, cultural and political conditions of population development in the past. Historical demography of the Balkan Peninsula. Historical demographic development of Serbian countries. Development of the Serbian medieval state as a geographical and political entity.
Households and families in historical demography - definition and methods of analysis. Administrative-territorial changes as an object of analysis in historical demography.

Practical lectures

Practical classes include the processing and practical elaboration of the following teaching units: population growth (growth rate, doubling time, half-life), notation in demography, absolute and relative measures; sources of data; methods for estimating the number of inhabitants based on Turkish cadastral lists; detailed analysis of Branicevo defter from 1467; Prinston Indicators; typology of households of the Cambridge group; ideographic presentation of household classes.

Willigan J.D. Lynch K.A. (1982), Sources and Methods of Historical Demography, Academic Press, New York.

Rašević M. (2001), Demografske prilike i stanovništvo, Naselja i stanovništvo oblasti Brankovića 1455. Odeljenje društvenih nauka SANU, Demografski zbornik, kn. VI, Beograd (str. 411-452).

Kovačević M. (2001), Izračunavanje broja stanovnika srednjovekovnog grada Novog Brda, Naselja i stanovništvo oblasti Brankovića 1455. godine Beograd.
Blagojević M. (1983), Pregled istorijske geografije srednjovekovne Srbije, Zbornik IMS, 20, Beograd.

Miljković-Bojanić E. (2004), Smederevski sandžak 1476-1560, zemlja, naselja, stanovništvo, Beograd.
Laslett P., Wall R. (1972), Household and Family in Past Time, Cambridge University Press.

Seobe srpskog naroda od XIV do XX veka, Zbornik radova posvećen tristagodišnjici velike seobe Srba, Beograd, 1990, radovi: R. Samardžića (str. 7-35), S. Ćirkovića (str. 37-46), T. Popovića (str. 47-52), N. Samardžića (str. 53-61), S. Gavrilovića (str. 63-75), R. Ljušića (str. 77-99) i  M. Perovića (str. 101-110)

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