Globalization and Integrations in the World (NOG31I1)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Rajko Golić
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 5
- Semester: V
- Number of classes: 2
Students should acquire knowledge aboutprocess of globalization by analyzing its basic components and determinants (spatial, economic, political and cultural), as well as with the role and significance of modern integration processes in the world.
Students should be able to apply their knowledge about globalization and integrations in the teaching process.
Theoretical lectures
1. Definition of globalization
2. Theoretical approaches of globalization (hyperglobalists, skeptics, transformationalists)
3. Globalization and history
4. Economic globalization
5. Political globalization
6. Cultural globalization
7. Geographic and virtual space - "the end of geography"
8. The anti-globalization movement and global civil society
9. International organizations and integration processes in the world (EU, UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, APEC, ASEAN, NAFTA, NATO, OECD, OPEC, BRICS, etc.)
Golić R. (2017). Globalization and integration in the world, manuscrpit. Belgrade: Faculty of Geography. (in Serbian)
Golić R. (2008). Globalization and its historical development. In: P. Slaveikov, D. Zlatunova, N. Nikolova (eds.). Fourth International Scientific Conference: „Global changes and problems: theory and practice”, Proceedings (pp. 453-459). Sofia: University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography.
Golić R., Joksimović M. & Vujadinović S. (2017). Globalization vs. tradition – Cultural challenges for Serbian citizens. In: International Scientific Conference EMAN 2017. Economics & Management: Globalization Challenges – Conference Proceedings (pp. 526-532). Belgrade: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans; Koper: Faculty of Management Koper; Maribor: Doba Business School; Skopje: Integrated Business Faculty; Zaječar: Faculty of Management.
Gajić M., Golić R., Milinčić M. & Joksimović M. (2015). Globalization, global values and identity crisis: cultural aspects. In:S. Stanković, D. Filipović, S. Đurđić (eds.): 4th Serbian congress of geographers “Achievements, current topics and challenges of geographical science and practice”, Proceedings, book 1 (pp. 229-235). Belgrade: Faculty of Geography. (in Serbian)
Šabić D. et al. (2011). Challenges of globalization: socio-economic and cultural circumstances in Serbia. In: Р. Gnjato (ed.). Third congress of Serbian geographers with international participation – congress proceedings, pp. 43-52. Banja Luka: Geographical society of Republic of Srpska; Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics. (in Serbian)
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