Geomorphology 2 (NOG22O1)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Geomorphology 2 (NOG22O1)
Ph.D. Sanja Manojlović
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 5
- Semester: IV
- Number of classes: 2+2
Introducing students to the action of exogenous forces and the form of reliefs that arise from their actions.
Introducing students with diversity of geomorphologic phenomena and their geographic distribution. Learning and training students with exact qualitative and quantitative methods in order to study different geomorphologic processes.
Theoretical lectures
1. Exogenous forces; physical destruction of rocks: appearance and process, forms of relief; 2. Chemical distribution of rocks: phenomena and process; 3. Modifiers of the process of destruction and decay of the rocks; the geographical diversity of the process of destruction and decay of the rocks; 4. Landslides: the phenomenon and process, modifiers, forms of relief (ambient type of teaching); methods of controling landslides; Phytogenic erosion; Pluvial erosion in the world and Serbia; Denudation: the phenomenon, process and forms of relief; 5. Fluvial erosion: phenomena and process; harmonization of longitudinal river profiles; methods of research in fluvial geomorphology; 6. Fluvial erosion: erosive and accumulative forms; evolution of fluvial relief; 7. Karst erosion: phenomenon and process; surface and underground hydrography; 8. Karst erosion: surface and underground forms; types of karst (ambient type of teaching), climate varieties of karst, pseudokarst; 9. Abrasion: phenomenon and process, erosive and accumulative forms of relief; evolution of relief, modifiers of the abrasion process; polymorphic form; types of coastline and types of islands; 10. Fossil abrasion relief in North America, the Balkan Peninsula, Panonian and Black Sea basins; arguments for the confirmation and negation of Cvijic abrasion surfaces; 11. Nivation: the phenomenon and process; Glationation: history of research; Causes of Pleistocene glacialation and Pleistocene chronology; 12. Glaciation: erosive and accumulative forms; recent and fossil glaciation on continents and the Balkan Peninsula; 13. Wind erosion: phenomenon and process; erosive and accumulative forms; the geographical distribution of the Aeolian relief in the world; the geographical distribution of the aeolian relief in Serbia (ambient type of teaching); 14. Colloquium; 15. Correctional colloquium
Practical lectures
1. Phenomena and processes in dynamic geomorphology - methods of research; 2. demolition of rocks - methods of determining the intensity of physical destruction of the rocks; 3-5. Methods for determining chemical erosion (laboratory exercises); 6-7. Empirical methods for determining the intensity of denudation; 8-10. Methods for determining the intensity of mechanical water erosion (laboratory exercises); 11. Construction of longitudinal river profiles; 12-13. Methods for determining the creation of cave jewelry and bigar (ambient type of teaching); Methods of tracing surface and groundwater in Karst; 15. methods for determining the intensity of wind erosion and accumulation; 15. Defense exercises
Dragutin Petrović, Predrag Manojlović: Geomorfologija. Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2003
Predrag Manojlović, Slavoljub Dragićević: Praktikum iz geomorfologije. Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2003
G. Mathias Kondolf, Herve Piegay: Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology. Wiely, 2003
R. Lal (Edt): Soil Erosion Research Methods. Second Edition.Soil and Water Conservation Society, 1994
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