Geology with Petrography 1 (NOG11O5)

An introduction to the concepts of geology, composition, age and history of the Earth, geotectonic theories, properties, composition and method of appearance of petrogenic and ore minerals.

Application of the knowledge acquired in the field of geology to the teaching of geography.

Theoretical lectures

Geology - Basic concepts of geology as a science, study goals and objectives, relationship with other sciences; The Earth as a celestial body - The shape and size of the Earth, main cosmogonic theories; Basic characteristics of the Earth - Inner material, physical properties and chemical composition of the Earth, especially lithosphere; Geochronology - Age and historical development of the Earth, rock age determination; Contemporary geotectonic theories - Plate tectonics. Classification of lithosphere plates, causes and direction of their movement, possible relationships between plates (collision, subduction ...) as the cause of endodynamic processes and creation of relief. Current examples; Endodinamics of the Earth - Magma movements and volcanism. Types and arrangement of volcanoes on the Earth as a result of geotectonic accommodation, post-vulcanic phenomena. Tectonic movements (epirogenic and orogenic) as a result of the relationship between lithospheric plates. Seismic movements - causes, types and elements of earthquakes, measurement of the earthquake magnitude and the arrangement of seismically active areas on the Earth; Minerals - Important petrogenic and ore minerals, their chemical composition, internal structure, physical properties and origin.

Practical lectures

Characteristics of petrogenic and ore minerals - Macroscopic recognition of the most important petrogenic and ore minerals based on physical properties, their role as constituents of rocks and ore deposits.

V. Jovanović, D. Srećković-Batoćanin: Osnovi geologije, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2006.

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