Geography of Serbia 2 (NOG32O6)

The subject of study is a complex of social and economic phenomena in Serbiaand their mutual relations and connection with natural features.The aim of studying this course is to analyze historical, economic and natural factors on the distribution of the population, economic activities and the organization of the settlement network of Serbia.

Based on the perception of social and economic phenomena and processes, students should acquire skills to scientifically analyze the development and distribution of population, economic activities and settlements in Serbia.

Theoretical lectures

Demographic development of Serbia;
Migration during the Ottoman period in Serbia;
Natural factors and their influence on the distribution of population;
Geographic distribution of population in Serbia;
Economic development of Serbia;
Natural resources as a factor of economic development;
Agriculture in Serbia – development, problems and perspectives;
Industrial development in Serbia;
Territorial distribution of industry in Serbia;
Transport in Serbia;
Tourism – factors of development and perspective in Serbia;
Geographic distribution and types of settlements in Serbia;
Rural areas in Serbia – possibilities for their revival; Development and functions of urban settlements.

Practical lectures

Introducing students with the subject and methods of research;Complex and scientific analysis of socio-economic features of Serbia; Analysis of: demographic features of Serbia, prehistoric distribution of cultures, settlements and different ethnos, distribution of natural resources and possibilities for their exploitation, agricultural, industrial and tourist regions of Serbia. Methodology for the preparation and oral presentation of seminar papers.

Pavlović, M. (1998). Geografija Jugoslavije 2. Belgrade: Savremena administracija.

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