Geography of Religion and Tourism (NOT22I1)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Mikica Sibinović
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 5
  • Semester: IV
  • Number of classes: 2+1

Students get acquainted with sacred places and religious centers of different religions and understand the links between the geography of religions and the structure of religious tourism. To get to know the peculiarities of the practical organization of religious tourism and the specifics of the work of tourist companies dealing with the organization of religious tourism.

Students should improve geographic logic in understanding the genesis and development of important world religions and their role in modern tourism.

Theretical lectures

I. Geography of Religions and Religious Tourism. Basics of practical travel organization.
II. The essence and types of religions
III. Religious tourism and Christianity
IV. Religious tourism in Orthodoxy
V. Religious tourism in Catholicism and Protestantism
YOU. Religious tourism in Judaism
VII. Religious tourism in Islam
VIII. Religious tourism in Buddhism
IX. Religious tourism in Hinduism
X. Religious tourism in Taoism and Confucianism
XI. Religious tourism in Shinto
XII. Pilgrimage and religious-excursion tourism of members of other religions
XIII. Types of pilgrimage centers and religious macroregions of the world
XIV. Characteristics of practical organization of travel in religious tourism
XV. Systematization of materials

Practical lectures

Preparation of seminar paper.
Analysis of important routes of pilgrimage in Serbia and the world. Analysis of potentials for the development of tourism under the influence of religion. Specific forms of tourism in the multicultural world.

Grčić M. Geografija religija, Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2011

Maca K. Poklonička putovanja, „Službeni glasnik“, Beograd, 2009

Stamenković I. Religiozni turizam i pravoslavlje, PMF, Novi Sad, 2006
Vukonić B. Turizam i religija, „Školska knjiga“, Zagreb, 1990.

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