Geographical Regions of Serbia 1 (NOG41O2)

Students need to acquire knowledge about synthetic regional geographic features of different geographic regions of Serbia. The purpose of this knowledge is to scientifically explain the physiognomic and functional characteristics of the regions.

Students should get acquainted with the scientific achievements of modern regional geography and to get skills for teaching regional geography.

Theoretical lectures

The scientific problems of regional geography; Subject, methodology and study task of regional geography; Regional terminology and hierarchy; Etymology and borders of regions; The structure of regions; Development and achievements of regional geography of Serbia; Regions of Serbia: Pannonian macroregion(Vojvodina – Banat, Bačka and Syrmia; Peripannonian Serbia – Posavska Serbia; Podrinjska Serbia and Podgorina; ZapadnoPomoravlje; VelikoPomoravlje; Šumadija; Stig and Braničevo).

Practical lectures

Introducing students with the subject and methods of research. Scientific analysis of the geographical regions of Serbia. Methodology for the preparation and oral presentation of seminar papers.

Pavlović, M. and Marković, J. (1995). Geografskeregije Jugoslavije (Srbija i Crna Gora). Belgrade: Savremena administracija.

Marković, J. (1981). Problemi morfohidrogeneze prirode Jugoslavije. Belgrade: Naučna knjiga

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