Functional Nature Conservation (13MZS1I4)

  • Level of study master academic studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Miroljub Milinčić
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 7
  • Semester: I
  • Number of classes: 3

Theoretical and methodological clarification of concepts: conservation, directional development, functional and other protection of the area and natural resources. Typology of the area based on ecological and economic differentiation of the area. Introduction withtheory and practice of different approaches and time frames of area protection: reserved, mandatory, basic, prevailing, mixed, and etc.

Developing of consciousness about necessity and the ways of implementing functional protection of area. Functional nature protection as a previous activity in planning and valorization of space and its significance in eliminating potentially conflicting situations.

Theoretical lectures

1. Introduction students with: teaching program Functional nature protection and its significance in realization of Master study curriculum Geospatial basics of environment; dynamics, method of work and realization of the curriculum; instructions for selection, conception and realization of the topics of essays.
2. Space and geospace: the notion of space and geospace; philosophical perceptions of geospace (materialism, idealism, dialectics, metaphysics); defining of geospace; geospatial content.
3. Space structure - geospace: subjectively (sensual observation); objectively (defined by measurements), physical space (phenomena, objects, processes) as concrete, objectively and realistic; the relation of abstract-imaginary and real space; isotropy and anisotropy of space; anisotropy and uniqueness of geospace; extension and coexistence of geospace; environment as a real spatial system.
4. Evolution and coevolution of geospatial: geocomposite and geospherical level; paradigms of geospatial research (geocomposite, geocomplex, geostructural, ecological); geoecological evaluation of geospatial.
5. Space as a resource, condition and geosystem: conceptual categories (geospace, geoeconomical space, astronomical space); the relationship between universal space and geospace; radial differentiation of geospace; geospace as resource and condition of existence; Valorization of space; properties of elements in the geospatial structure: basic elements (gravity, magnetism), elements transformed by anthropogenic influence (hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, biosphere), anthropogenic elements (technosphere).
6. Defining the concepts of space protection: conservation; oriented development, controlled development; functional protection (reservation); ecological policy of resource management, space protection; functional protection of space.
7. Theory and practice of space protection: space as a resource; Differential properties of space as a determinant of quality and capacity; the role of environmental theory and practice in the protection of space;
8. Purpose of the space: conceptual categories and praxis of space protection; reserved purpose; mandatory purpose; basic purpose; predominant or mixed purpose.
9. Spatial plans of the special purpose area: the role of spatial planning in the protection and valorization of protected areas; role in resolving conflicts of use and protection of space; specificity of PPPPN; role and significance of PPPPN in the function of protection and development of protected areas.
10. Functional space protection and sustainable development: economy and ecology; critique of growth ideology (growth limits, zero growth, sustainable development); the genesis of the idea of ​​sustainability - from forestry to modern concept; institutionalization of the concept of sustainable development; objectives and criticism of the concept of sustainable development; Boundaries of Growth and Border Growth; sustainability indicators, model PER ("pressionetat response").
11. Scope and regimes of protection and reservation of space: Ordinance on categorization of protected natural goods (Official Gazette of RS, No. 30/92); prescribed protection regimes: 1st degree, 2nd degree, III degree; the types and scope of space and activities in line with the functions of a protected natural good.
12. Protection of space and ecological restrictions: physical occupation of space - ecological limitation; reservation of space and technical protection measures - ecological limitation; environmental protection regime - ecological limitation; the zone of direct protection; narrow zone of protection; wider zone; belt protection.
13. Space and space protection: basic properties of space as a factor of protection and ecological constraints; conflict of predominant and other forms of valorization of space as an eco-restriction; models of spatial definition of the protection regime.
14. The role of the state in development perspectives: general problems and development perspectives; specific development problems; spatial functional integration of protected territories; functional protection - conservation or directional development; functional protection as a paradigm of sustainable development.
15. Recapitulation of the curriculum of Functional nature protection.

Puzović, S., Grubač, B., (1998): Stanje i problemi zaštite prirode u Srbiji i koncepcija daljih aktivnosti na zaštiti, Posebna izdanja Republičkog zavoda za zaštitu prirode Srbije, br 12. Zaštita prirode i turizam u Srbiji, Beograd;

Cvejić J. (1996): „Planiranje predela”, Planiranje i uređenje predela, Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Beograd;

Lješević, A.M. (1996): Zaštita prirode i prirodnih vrednosti – privredne, zdravstveno-biološke i kulturne funkcije zaštite prirodnih predela, Planiranje i uređenje predela, Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Beograd;

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