Ethnological Basis of Tourism (NOT22I2)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović
Marina Vesić
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 5
- Semester: IV
- Number of classes: 2+1
Acquisition of scientific knowledge on ethnology and its importance for tourism, development of the correct attitude of students towards the ethnological values of Serbian and other ethnic communities in Serbia. Formal and structural-functional analysis of ethnographic values of Serbia and its uses in tourism will be performed by presentations of fundamental tourist features (national architecture, products of old crafts, folklore, folk art).
Training students for proper interpretation of theoretical and methodological concepts in ethnology and definition of concepts important for ethnology and tourism.
Theoretical lectures
Definitions and characteristics of ethno tourism; Tourism and basic ethnological and anthropological concepts; The connection of ethno tourism with other types of tourism; Study of acculturation processes in relation tourists - hosts and the problem of "spoilage" of traditional culture; Tourism and Ethnic Identity: Multiculturalism and Ethnic Pluralism; Use of spiritual culture for tourist purposes; Use of material culture for tourist purposes: folk architecture, crafts, nutrition; Use of material culture for tourist purposes: folk costumes, ethno villages, ethno parks; Folklore heritage and tourism; Ethno-heritage of individual nations in the function of tourism development; Ethno-heritage in the tourist offer of some countries; Ethno-manifestations and tourism; Ethno manifestations in Serbia; Ethno manifestations in the world; Supply and demand of ethnographic values in the tourism market.
Practical lectures
Students will develop some theoretical and methodological questions on practical examples. Students will critically analyze the needs of ethnological knowledge in tourism, and will be able to independently find ways of connecting ethnology and tourism by preparing seminar work.
Павловић, С. (2010). Етнолошке основе туризма. Географски факултет Универзитета у Београду
Баузингер Херман, Етнологија, Библиотека XX век, Београд, 2002.
Фабијети Уго, Малигети Роберто, Матера Винченцо, Увод у антропологију – од локалног до глобалног, Clio, Београд, 2002.
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