Ethnodemographic Issues (NMD1I1)

Searching through demographic characteristics of ethnic, religious and racial groups as determinants of ethno-demographic development. Factors and tendencies of existence, reduction or increase of differences in ethnodemographic characteristics in the world and Serbia. Reviewing the homeostatic properties of the reproductive behavior of demographic systems and the importance of historical and geographical factors in their formation.

Students should be able to learn through this course to use the knowledge from ethno-demographic research, especially from the aspect of methodological issues in the world and in our country.

Ethno-demographic development and socio-historical processes. Ethnicity theories. Problems of reliability, comparability and diversity of criteria in terms of ethnic characteristics in statistical sources in the world and in our country. Population as an ethnomedographic system. Importance of the research of ethnodemographic systems. Ethno-demographic research and regional development. Ethnodemographic Research and Population Policy. Pronatalist tendencies of religious doctrines. Examples of women's fertility by different ethnicities. Testing the relationship between religion and nuptiality and divorce. Mixed marriages. National Minorities. Contemporary trends and perspectives of ethnodemographic development of Serbia and neighboring countries. Ethnodemographic information as scientific information in the social information system.

Grčić, M. (2009). Stanovništvo kao demografski sistem.Demografija-Međunarodni časopis za demografska I ostala društvena istraživanja, 5, 7-35.

Radovanović, M. (2004). Etnički i demografski procesi na Kosovu i Metohiji. Beograd: Liber Press

Zirojević, O. (2003). Islamizacija na južnoslovenskom prostoru – Dvoverje, knj.10. Beograd: Etnološka biblioteka,.

Obradović, Ž. (2002). Manjine na Balkanu. Beograd: Čigoja štampa.

Grečić, V. (1994). Nacionalne manjine u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi. Međunarodni problemi 3-4, 313-330

Radovanović, S. (2000). Savremene karakteristike prirodnog kretanja stanovništva Srbije po nacionalnosti. U Zbornik radova Ekološka istina, knj.II. Sokobanja: Zavod za zaštitu zdravlja Timok.

Horowitz, D. L. (1989). Europe and America : A Comparative Analysis of « Ethnicity ». Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 47-61.

Poutignat, P., Streiff-Fenart, J. (1995). Theories De L` Ethnicite. Paris: Presses universitaries de France.

Barth, F. (1969). Etnic groups and boundaries. Bergen-Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

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