Environmental Principles of Spatial Planning (NOPP12O3)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Snežana Đurđić
Ljubica Duškov
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 6
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 2+2
In the context of an ever more anthropogenic impact on all elements of space and the environment, it is necessary to consider the complex role and importance of ecological principles. The study of the relationship between organisms and living communities according to the conditions of the external environment is the basis of knowledge of the functioning of ecosystems. In the function of adequate spatial planning and its protection, ecological postulates are an indispensable basis that enables the improvement of the planning process at all levels.
By respecting the basic ecological principles, processes and their dynamics, outcome of the course is improvement of the process of contemporary spatial planning and protection.
Theoretical lectures
1. Definition, aims and methods of ecological reserach; 2. Basic terms in ecology, historical development of ecology science and itsscientific disciplines; 3. Ecological factors; 4. Ecological types of plants; 5. Soil as a complex of ecological factors; 6. Biotic factors; 7. Plants as indicators of environment pollution (biological monitoring, bioindicators...); 8. Planning and construction of green ares; 9. System of green areas - definition; 10. Functions of green areas; 11. System of green areas – classification; 12. Trees as basic element of system of green areas; 13. Urban system of green areas; 14. System of green ares and environmental protection; 15. System of nature protection in Serbia.
Practical lectures
1. The general overview of systematic and taxonomy of vascular plants with basic overview of diversity of Plant Kingdom (Plantae); 2-3. Division Coniferophyta (Pinophyta; Gymnospermae) – overview of selected species; 4-5. Divison Magnoliophyta – overview of selected species; 6. Vegetation maps; 7. Characteristics and selection criteria for planning and designing of green areas; 8. Analysis of plant composition of public green areas (field study); 9. Analysis of plant composition of suburban and rural green areas (field study); 10. Distribution analysis of protected areas in Serbia; 11-12. Analytical study of selected protected area in Serbia; 13. Colloquium; 14-15. Presentations of essays.
Јанковић М., (1987): Фитоекологија,, Научна књига, Београд.
Филиповић Д., Ђурђић С. (2008): Еколошке основе просторног планирања – практикум, Географски факултет, Београд.
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