Environmental Economics (13OZS31O3)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 6
  • Semester: V
  • Number of classes: 2+2

Mastering basic economic concepts, methods and techniques in the field of environmental protection

Mastering economic methods of valorisation of the environment and using economic measures and instruments in the field of environmental protection.

Theoretical lectures

1-Economics and environment. Basic concepts, ideas and instruments.

2-The basic concepts of environmental economics and ecological economics. Similarities and differences.

3- Indicators of economic growth (Gross domestic product, Gross national product, Net national product) - Indicators of economic development (Human development index - HDI). Inadequacy to encompass the environment with these indicators.

4- The concept of Sustainable development. Hartwick's rule. Natural, man-made and human capital in economic concepts of weak, strong and critical sustainability.

5- Macroeconomic indicators of sustainable development. System of National Accounts: GNA (Green National Accounts) and GS (Genuine Savings).

6-Economic development and environment – Environmental Kuznets curve.

7-Economic development and environmental protection - example of mobile sources of pollution (hypermobility in tourism and urban transport)

8-Environmental market failures: externalities, public goods, common resources and incomplete information.

9- Feasibility studies and cost-benefit analysis. Inadequate environmental treatment in feasibility studies and cost-benefit analyzes. Necessity of complementary economic assessments of the environment.

10-  Economic valuation of environment: Stated preferences, Revealed preferences and Production function model. Similarities and differences.

11- Stated preferences methods as valuation approach: 1) CV (contigent valuation) method, 2) CE (choice experiments) method and 3) CR (contigent ranking).

12- Revealed preferences methods as valuation approach: 1) Hedonic pricing method and 2) Travel costs method.

13- Production function model as valuation approach: 1) DRM (dose-response models) and 2) EFM (ecosystem function models)

14-Economic instruments for environmental protection: I+M programs, instruments of fiscal policy (taxes, charges and subventions) and tradable permits system.

15-The scope and limitations of different economic instruments for environmental protection (example of stationary and mobile sources of pollution).

Tietenberg Т. 2003. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Pearson, New York;

Van den Bergh, J. 2005. Handbook of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Edward Elgar;

Goodstein, E.S. 2003. Economics and environment. МАТЕ, Zagreb;

Jovanović, M. 2005. Interdependence of Urban Transport Strategy and Spatial Development of a Metropolis. Belgrade: Faculty of Geography

Jovanović, M. 2007. The scope of I+M programs. Industry, 1/2, 25-36.

Jovanović, M. and Vračarević, B. 2012. Urban transport and environmental protection - the scope of economic measures. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 92(2), 91-111.

Jovanović, M. 2012. Kuznets curve and urban transport - the scope of I+M programs. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 92(4), 127-142.

Jovanović, M. 2010. Critical sustainability and energy consumption in urban transport. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 90(3), 153-170.

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