Environment Risks and Modeling (13OZS31O1)

To study the specific features of chemical risks and their effects on the environment. To study the application of the modelling approach in preventing the consequences of chemical accidents occurrences.

Application of the acquired subject matter knowledge.

Theoretical lectures

  1. The concept of risk and types of risk;
  2. Specific features and the classification of environmental risks;
  3. Technical and technological accidents, their characteristics and causes of occurrence;
  4. Risk response plans;
  5. The structure of participants in the achievement of accident protection programmes;
  6. A model system in the assessment of accident risks;
  7. Fires and explosions;
  8. Chemical accidents; Accidents in hydropower plants and damaged buildings;
  9. The information system of risky facilities and activities;
  10. The legislation of hazardous events treatment;
  11. The institutional framework of risk management;
  12. A simulation of preparing an industrial accident  risk assessment;
  13. Air pollutants dispersion modelling;
  14. Water pollutants dispersion modelling;
  15. Land pollutants dispersion modelling;
  16. Noise dispersion modelling.

Practical lectures

  1. Analyses of previous  hazardous events;
  2. Response plans for hazardous events;
  3. A model of structure of participants in accident protection;
  4. Modelling risk assessment;
  5. Fire analysis;
  6. Analysis of chemical spills;
  7. Analysis of damaged buildings;
  8. Designing an information system for monitoring hazardous events;
  9. Colloquium;
  10. Analysis of the institutional support to accident protection;
  11. Preparing a chemical accident protection study;
  12. Air pollutants dispersion modelling;
  13. Water pollutants dispersion modelling
  14. Land pollutants dispersion modelling;
  15. Noise dispersion modelling.

Filipović D. (2000): Geoprostorno modelovanje rizika u životnoj sredini – doktorska disertacija, Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd
Filipović D. (1999): Modelovanje zagađivanja životne sredine gradova –monitoring i zaštita, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd
Dragićević S., Filipović D. (2009): Prirodni uslovi i nepogode u planiranju i zaštiti prostora, udžbenik, Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Marić P., Tomić D. (2010): Upravljanje vanrednim situacijama, Balkanski institut za upravljanje i procenu rizika, Beograd
Nacionalna Strategija zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednm situacijama (''Službeni glasnik RS'', br. 86/11)
Zakon o vanrednim situacijama (''Službeni glasnik RS'', br. 111/09, 92/11 i 93/12)

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