Environment 1 (NOG41O4)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Miroljub Milinčić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 2
  • Semester: VII
  • Number of classes: 2+1

The ecological crisis and its possible consequences support the need for a holistic view the problems of the environment, and thus increase the importance and more intensive practical application of the corpus of geographical disciplines. Based on relevant facts, and from the aspect of complex geography, prove that in modern conditions environmental problems belong to a group of central fundamental and applied geospatial research. This, particularly in the conditions of increasingly intense antagonism and contradiction of its two basic subsystems - nature and society. One of the most important accomplished goals is proof that the environment is not a static system and that its structure and functionality are not an aggregate of randomly given geographical elements, but a complex systemic environment of the real world of matter. Also, such an examination of the environment implies necessarily overcoming the concept of geography as a dualistic science, as well as the concept of geography as an organized knowledge system that integrates only individual areas of science.

The width and depth of the indicated multidisciplinary categories of this subject implies the interpretation of the notion of the environment, social and theoretical assumptions of origin and development, it’s relation to other sciences, places in the system of geographical and ecological disciplines and importance in the context of the overall geospatial questions. Basic problems and postulates of the environment and theoretical questions about the relationship between man and society and the environment. In addition, students should be introduced to the attitude of international forums on environmental issues and the global character of environmental problems. Getting acquainted with international environmental protection and environmental protection in Serbia.

Theoretical lectures

1) Introduction: environment - concept and definitions; subject of study and tasks; development, place in the system of science; relation to related sciences; a place in the system of geographical disciplines; 2) Developing the understanding and knowledge of the environment; 3) Theoretical considerations on the relationship between man - society and the environment; naturalistic approaches; sociological approaches; economic determinism; technological determinism; ecological determinism; 4) Environmental systems: original natural; anthropogenically modified or culturally natural and anthropogenic cultural or socio-economic systems of the environment;

Practical lectures

1) Monitoring and interpretation of current environmental problems at different levels; 2) Analysis of the institutional organization of protection and improvement of the environment; 3) Getting acquainted with databases of importance for reviewing the situation and monitoring changes in the environment; 4) Modeling of geospatial and dominant forms of pollution;

Lješević M. (2000): „Životna sredina-teorija i metodologija istraživanja”, Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd.

Lješević M. (2002): „Urbana ekologija”, Geografski fakultet, BU, Beograd.

Lješević M. (2002): „Životna sredina sela i nenastanjenih područja”, Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd.

Čolić D. (1973): „Opšta teorija životne sredine”, Atelje za graf. komunikacije, Beograd.

Đukanović M. (1991): „Ekološki izazov”, Elit, Beograd

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