English language 1 (13OZS11O6)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Zorica Prnjat
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 2
- Semester: I
- Number of classes: 2
Training students to understand professional texts and to participate in basic written and oral communication.
Students will master grammatical structures of English, language skills, and professional terminology at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; they will be able to use Internet resources in English, read and analyze authentic professional texts, engage in communication and use professional terminology (see Course contents); they will develop basic written and oral communication skills.
Theoretical lectures
1) Introductory lecture: How to learn a foreign language; 2/3) The restless Earth; 4/5) Rocks; 6/7) Rivers; 8/9 Sea action; 10/11 Ice action; 12/13 Soil; 14) Working with visuals; 15) Revision
Kelly, K. (2009). Geography. Oxford: Macmillan.
Allaby, M. (2008). Oxford dictionary of Earth Sciences. Oxford: OUP.
Mayhew, S. (2009). Oxford dictionary of Geography. Oxford: OUP.
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