Educational Tourism (NOT42I4)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Slavoljub Jovanović
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: VIII
  • Number of classes: 2+2

At the course, students should acquire basic knowledge about educational tourism and be included in an already existing system of tourist knowledge. Students should develop the ability to learn the benefits of this form of tourism and apply acquired knowledge in the process of solving the problem of modern tourism demand.

The student is able to apply the principles of educational tourism in practice and take appropriate actions in realization of specific forms of educational tourism in his/her profession.

Theoretical lectures

1. Motives of traveling of a modern active tourist (acquiring knowledge, skills and new experiences, personal improvement and formation of new hobbies); 2. Concept, goals, significance, characteristics and scope of educational tourism; 3. Educational tourism through history; 4. Relationship between educational and cultural tourism; 5. Relationship between educational and eco-tourism; 6. Relationship between educational and other types of tourism; 7. Forms of educational tourism (scientific tourism, student tourism, exchange programmes, foreign language learning, tourism of continued (permanent) education ...); 8. Examples of domestic and foreign educational programmes; 9. Cognitive, affective and behavioral effects of educational tourism; 10. Connections between formal education, non-formal education and educational tourism; 11. Process of learning and teaching during educational tourism programmes; 12. Methods of work in educational tourism programmes (courses, lectures, research of phenomena, historical axes ...); 13. Forms of work in educational tourism programmes; 14. School excursions as a form of educational tourism; 15. Interactive workshops, summer courses and camps as forms of participation in educational tourism.

Practical lectures

1. Target groups of educational tourism; 2. Institutes, faculties, schools, scientific organizations, associations and non-governmental organizations as holders of educational tourism; 3. Cultural and historical heritage as the basis of educational tourism; 4. Educational tourism as a form of meeting the principles of transparency in the learning process; 5. Educational tourism as a form of field work and out-of-school activities of pupils and students; 6. Ambiental teaching, experiential and contextual learning; 7. Museums - classrooms in educational tourism; 8. Theme parks and educational tourism; 9. Attractions in educational tourism - examples of good practice; 10. Hobby holidays; 11. Cooperation between a travel agency and institutions providing professional assistance and coordinating activities within the framework of an educational arrangement; 12-15. Presentation of seminar papers dealing with problems of specific forms of educational tourism, as well as realization of educational tourism in representative countries and cities of the world.

Hadžić O., G. Stojaković, K. Herman-Milinković, T. Vanić, I. Ivanović, (2005). Kulturni turizam. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad.; Hadžić, O. (2006). Stejkholderski pristup u razvoju turističkog proizvoda edukacionog turizma Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Časopis Turizam, br. 10., Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad.; Rabotić, B. (2012). Selektivni oblici turizma. Visoka turistička škola, Beograd.; Vrtiprah, V. (2006). Kulturni resursi kao činitelj turističke ponude. Sveučilište u Dubrovniku.; Elaković, S. (2006). Sociologija slobodnog vremena i turizam,  Centar za izdavačku delatnost ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Beograd; Georgi, G. (2008). Turizam posebnih interesa, Selektivni oblici turizma, Čugara print, Beograd.; Novelli, M.(2005). Niche Tourism: contemporary  issues trends and cases, ElsevierButterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.; Ritche, B W. (2003). Managing Educational Tourism. Channel View Publications.

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