Economics of Tourism (NOT22O1)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 6
  • Semester: IV
  • Number of classes: 2+2

The objective of the course is to clearly determine the place and role of tourism in the economic development of both industrialized countries and developing countries, and to analyze all the economic benefits / benefits and the negative effects of the orientation on the development of tourism.

Training students to assess the contribution of tourism to economic development, the analysis of the tourism market, and all the economic characteristics and perspectives of sustainable development of domestic and international tourism.

The concept and content of tourism economics
Specificity of tourism as a business activity (fragmentation, instability, seasonality, simultaneous production and consumption)
Economic benefits of tourism orientation (contribution to GDP, change in economic structure, foreign exchange inflows, employment increase, balanced regional development, entrepreneurship development)
Economic disadvantages of tourism orientation (too much dependence on tourism, leakages leakage, seasonal character, negative impact on the environment, price increase)
National Satellite Accounts and Tourist Satellite Accounts
Multiplicative effects of tourism (direct, indirect and induced effects)
The economic effects of foreign tourism as invisible exports and imports (regional and national aspect)
Economic effects of FDI in tourism
Commercial and national profitability
Economic effects of tourism orientation in Serbia
The economic effects of tourism orientation in the countries of the Region
The economic effects of tourism orientation in developed countries
Economic effects of tourism orientation in developing countries
Economic Approach to Sustainable Development: A Soft, Sharp and Critical Approach
Kuznetsov's curve and hyper-mobility in tourism (in the case of energy consumption and CO2 emissions)

Jovanović, Miomir. 2011.“Turizam i zaštita životne sredine.” Megatrend revija  Vol.8/ 2
Jovanović, Miomir. 2011. “Turizam i održivi razvoj.“ Zbornik radova Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine. Beograd: Geografski fakultet.
Unković, Slobodan i Zečević, Bojan. 2007. Ekonomika turizma, Beograd: Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu.
Matias, A., Nijkamp, P., Sarmento, M. 2009.  Advances in Tourism Economics. Springer.
Vanhove, N. 2005. The Economics of Tourism Destination. (Poglavlje 7). London: Elsevier, str. 169-204.
Adamos Adamou and Sofronis Clerides. 2010. Prospects and Limits of Tourism-Led Growth: The International Evidence. Review of Economic Analysis,. 3. str.287–303.
Richard Sharpley. 2009. Tourism Development and the Environment: Beyond Sustainability? (Poglavlje 3) London: Earthscan

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