Demographic Structures 1 (NOD31O2)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Mirjana Devedžić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 6
  • Semester: V
  • Number of classes: 2+2

Setting the theoretical and methodological basis for studying the structure of the population. Identifying the systemic interdependence of population dynamics and demographic structures. Introduction to contemporary contexts of interpreting gender imbalances. Recognizing the importance of the age structure for exploring the demographic past and predicting the demographic future. Examining the role of the population in the economy, the impact of demographic development on economic development, and vice versa.

Mastering the techniques of analysis, and analytical-synthetic interpretation of data. Identifying demographic processes. Acquiring the applicative knowledge.

Theoretical lectures

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of population structures. Definition and classification of population structure. Biological structures of the population - data sources. Factors of the  sexcomposition of the population. Sex structure and technique of its analysis. Imbalance of sex structure and its importance for demographic and economic development. Sex and gender, gender indicators in international statistics. Factors of the age structure of the population. Age structure of the population and demographic techniques of its analysis. Empirical types of the age structure of the population. Demographic aging. Aging of old and feminization of the old. Demographic characteristics of the old population. Functional population contingents. Significance of age composition for demographic, socio-economic and sustainable development.

Practical lectures

National and international sources of data on the sex and age structure of the population. Classification of population features and its comparability. Analysis of the sex composition. Analysis of age composition. Design and presentation of the tables. Graphic representation. Extracting functional contingents. Staging demographic aging - different approaches. Analysis of the old population. Trends of changes in structures.

Breznik D. (1977), Demografija, analiza, metodi i modeli, CDI IDN (odgovarajuća poglavlja)
Baletić- Wertheimer A. (1982),  Demografija – stanovništvo i ekonomski razvitak, Informator (odgovarajuća poglavlja)
Penev G. (1997),  Demografske determinante starenja stanovništva SR Jugoslavije. Modelski pristup, „Stanovništvo“ 3-4/97, CDI IDN.
Devedžić M. (2006), Rodne (ne)jednakosti iz demografske perspektive, Stanovništvo, godina XLIV, br. 2/06
Vojković G, Devedžić M, Penev G. (2006), Srbija među demografski najstarijim zemljama, časopis Naše teme, br. 1, Službeni glasnik
Devedžić M. (2007) Demografske karakteristike starog stanovništva Beograda, Glasnik SGD, br. 2 2007, Srpsko geografsko društvo, Beograd

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