Current Development Trends in Theory and Practice of Geography Teaching (2013D21I5)

  • Level of study PhD academic studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Ljiljana Živković
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 8
  • Semester: III
  • Number of classes: 5

Integration of teaching, methodical-didactic and geographical content and interdisciplinary approach is necessary to establish competencies that doctoral students qualified for scientific research. Developing critical thinking skills through communication skills, as well as developing new competencies for teaching the principles of lifelong learning.

The implementation and use of information and communication technology develops procedures within the quality management of the teaching process. Doctoral candidates are competent for interdisciplinary projects in teams to identify and solve the problems of education, has a professional and ethical responsibility, communicate effectively, applying modern methodology and instructional technology.

Teaching methods in geography as a theoretical and applied science. Critical analysis and review of theory and practice in teaching geography, Various approaches and current research in the theory and practice of initial education and professional development of teachers of geography, Professional identity, the type of skills and competencies that are needed teacher of geography, Application of research results in the transformation of teaching practice (conditions, opportunities, strategies and examples for changing teaching practices), Educational policy and geography teaching, Reform of geography teaching in the light of education reform, The main directions of the reform of geography teaching in primary and secondary schools and key segments of the changes in the field of geography teaching in European countries, The scope of work of international professional institutions in the field of geographical education. International projects in the field of geographical education, Assumptions integration of geographic education in Serbia into a unique educational space of Europe, The structure, organization and functioning of school systems of foreign countries (levels and cycles of education, aims and programs of education, management and financing of education, education and professional development of teachers). Modern criticism of the school - theoretical and practical solutions to improve geographic education and the development of alternative forms of geographic education, Analysis of the contents in geography and education system structure as the prerequisite of constructing hypothetical model for teaching geography implementation, Research of teaching and learning in teaching geography practice, Planning and implementation of activities for the purpose of modeling teaching practice.

  1. Fisher, T. (2008). Developing as a Teacher of Geography. Nottingham University. Cambridge, Cris Kington.
  2. Mohan, Audrey, M. (2009). Teacher Efficacy in Geography: A Mixed Methods Study of Formal and Informal Teacher Education, Theses and Dissertations-Geography. Paper 20.
  3. Cook, V. (2010). Exploring students' personal experiences of geography fieldwork. Journal Teaching geography. Vol. 35, Issue 2, 55-57.
  4. Roblyer, M. D. (1999). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. Prentice Hall. p.355. 2 edition
  5. Banđur, V., Potkonjak, N. (2006). Istraživački rad u školi – akciona istraživanja. Beograd:  Školska knjiga.
  6. Suzić, N. (2003). Efikasna pedagoška komunikacija. Nastava i vaspitanje. Vol. 2,  br. 2-3, 254-273.
  7. Buchberger, F., Campos, B. P., Kallos, D., Stephenson, J. (2000). Zelena knjiga o obrazovanju nastavnika u Evropi. Beograd.
  8. Eliot, DŽ. (2006). Profesionalno obrazovanje nastavnika i razvijanje kompetencija. Pedagogija. Br. 4. Beograd.
  9. Radulović, L. (2007). Istraživanje i razvijanje obrazovanja nastavnika za refleksivnu praksu. Pedagogija. Br. 4. Beograd.
  10. Spasenović, V. (2009). Tendencije i pravci razvoja školskih sistema evropskih zemalja. U: Potkonjak, N. (ur.). Zbornik radova „Buduća škola“ - II deo (78-93), Beograd: SAO.

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