Contemporary Tendencies in Cartography (2013D21I4)

Contemporary cartography tendencies targeting actual development issues especially those influenced by the ICT. Today, in post-industrial era, information became high quality product on the market, accurate and exact as well as fast and easy reachable. Since 1980 and ICT revolution we should not talk about digital revolution but rather about digital world and digital transition. By the end of XX century, cartography faced with numerous changes affected by ICT development. Cartography, supported by computers, developed in to a digital cartography and the main goal of digital cartography is to process and visualize geospatial data. Civilization development affected changes in graphical and visual modeling of geospatial data. Geospatial is a complex system, and presentation of such a system is connected with real world modeling. Analog map was the only way to visualize spatial data. As a model her role was to perceive all complexity of geospace as well as to keep the information.

Make students capable to apply knowledge in field of geoiconic as well as interdisciplinary cartography.

Theoretical lectures

Cartography development; 2.Semiology in cartography; 3.Sign and its meaning; 4.System of cartography signs; 5.Cartography language; 6.Semiography in cartography; 7.Samioconstruction in cartography; 8.Comparison of morpheme word structure and cartography sign; 9.GIS- the world of the images and data; 10.Cartography and GIS; 11.Cartography and visualization–evolution or revolution; 12.GIS – geospatial data visualization; 13.Cartography visualization models; 14.Cartography presentations; 15.Cartography, GIS and other spatial systems.

  1. Živković, D. i Jovanović, J. (2010). Mestokartografije u GIS-u i drugimprostornimsistemima. ZbornikradovasaMeđunarodnognaučnogskupa ”TeritorijalniaspektirazvojaSrbije i susednihzemalja”. Divčibare, 29 i 30. oktobar 2009. Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografskifakultet. str. 537-541.
  2. Živković D., Jovanović J. (2011). Informatičko-tehnološkabaza − uslovintegracija i ekonomskograzvojaRepublikeSrpske. Zbornikradovasameđunarodnognaučnogskupa ”Nauka i politika”. Posebnaizdanja - Naučniskupovi, knjiga 5, tom 3. Pale, 22-23. maj 2010. Pale: Univerzitet u IstočnomSarajevu - Filozofskifakultet Pale. str. 7-12.
  3. Ikonović Vesna, Živković Dragica (2008): Metodološko-kartografskialgoritam, Glasniksrpskoggeogtrafskogdruštva, sveska LXXXVIII, broj 3, Beograd, str. 11-24.
  4. Ikonović V., Živković D., Đorđević A.(2011):Značajvizuelizacije u kartografskojkomunikaciji, Glasniksrpskoggeografskogdruštva, sveskaXCI,broj 4, Beograd, str.159-171.
  5. Živković D., Jovanović J. (2011): Mesto GIS-a u kartografskojtranslacijigeoprostora, GeoINFO, Zbornik 2009-2011, SavezgeodetaSrbije i Geodetskižurnal, Beograd, 2011, str.200-205.

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