Communication in Teaching and School Climate (2013D11I5)

acquiring competences for promoting and understanding the psychosocial climate in school and communication inside the class as a basis for developing group cohesiveness among the pupils, democratic relations between the teacher and the pupil on the one hand and among the pupilsthemselves on the other, as well as creating interaction with partners from the local community and parents. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the role of the teacher as a mediator between the school, community and parents. Promoting and understanding forms and manners of communication that contribute to creating a favourable school climate, along with understanding factors and effects responsible for the connection ofthe school climate to pupil-teachercommunication.

after successfully completing the course, students will have acquired competences for understanding physical, social, and pedagogic circumstances surrounding the educational process; they will understand the network of relations between participants in the educational process and a wider social context; they will know how to use the methods and forms of creating a democratic climate and atmosphere within the class, thus improving the interaction and quality of interpersonal relations between the pupils and the teacher, as well as among the pupils themselves; they will understand the role of the teacher as a reflexive practitioner; they will work on stimulating democratic relations in school as a basis for understanding democracy in education.

educational climate of the school and class; indicators and characteristics of a favourable climate; school climate and pupils’ achievements; appreciating differences and respecting children with special needs; democratization of relations in the school and opening of the school towards the community; creating unique educational space – school and its surroundings; improving communicational competences of the teacher; types of communication and school climate; a democratic way of managing the class; including pupils in extracurricular activities, projects in the community; relation of the teacher with his/her colleagues; managing the class – group dynamics, strengthening group cohesiveness; social climate in the class – (dominant and integrative behaviour on the teacher’s part); authoritative, democratic and indifferent managing; relations among pupils: reducing aggression and asocial behaviour in the school and class; emotional climate in the class; non-violent communication, active listening, assertive communication and I-messages; discipline – styles of resolving conflicts in small groups; the teacher as a mediator.

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  3. Haynes, N.M., Emmons, C., Ben – Avie, M. (1997). School climate as a factor in student adjustment and achievement. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 8(3).
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