Climatology 2 (NOG22O3)

Getting acquainted with climate processes on Earth. Climatic factors. Climate classifications.Climate changes.Urban climate.

Application of the acquired knowledge in the subject of Climatology in the teaching of geography.

Theoretical lectures

Microclimate; Solar and real climate; Climate classifications; Changes and fluctuations in climate; Anthropogenic impacts on weather and climate; The problem of acid rain; Ozone layer damage; Urban climate; Cryptoclimate - indoor climate; Weather, climate and war.

Practical lectures

Data spatial interpolation; Climatic factors influences; Analysis of synoptic maps; Determination ofKöppen's climatic formula; Climate diagrams - making climate diagrams by Valter; Making of climate postcards; Making of climatic profiles; Pheno-climatology maps.

Дукић Д. (1998): Климатологија, Географскифакултет, Београд.

Дуцић В., Анђелковић Г. (2005): Климатологија - Практикумзагеографе, Географскифакултет, Београд.

Дуцић В., Радовановић М. (2005): КлимаСрбије, Заводзауџбенике и наставнасредства, Београд.

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