Climatology 1 (NOG21O3)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Vladan Ducić
Ph.D. Goran Anđelković
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: III
- Number of classes: 2+2
Getting acquainted with weather phenomena and processes on Earth.
Application of the acquired knowledge in the subject of Climatology in the teaching of geography.
Theoretical lectures
Atmosphere - the boundaries and composition; Vertical structure of the atmosphere; Historical development of atmospheric sciences. Radiation - energy balance of the Earth; Air temperature; Air pressure; Winds; Evaporation and humidity; Clouds and cloudiness; Precipitation and snow cover; Air masses and fronts; Cyclones and anti-cyclones.
Practical lectures
Introduction to meteorological observations; Recording of atmospheric phenomena; Climate databases - meteorological yearbooks; Verification of data reliability in climatology; Interpolation of missing data in climatology; Extrapolation of observation time series in climatology; Determination of the influence of the Sun's elevation angle on the warming of the Earth's surface; Schematic presentation of the thermal balance of the Earth; Calculation of vertical gradients - temperature gradient; Calculating temperature sums; Making a wind rose; Cloud recognition.
Дукић Д. (1998): Климатологија, Географскифакултет, Београд.
Дуцић В., Анђелковић Г. (2005): Климатологија - Практикумзагеографе, Географскифакултет, Београд.
Дуцић В., Радовановић М. (2005): КлимаСрбије, Заводзауџбенике и наставнасредства, Београд.
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