Climate Changes (NOG22I4)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Jelena Luković
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: IV
- Number of classes: 2
The course is primarily aimed for undergraduate students interested in climate change and its impacts. What is the difference between climate change and climate variability? What causes climate change? With these questions in mind the course focuses on the climate change on a range of timescales from paleoclimate, through 20th century and future, covering both global and regional spatial scales. We may cover topics related to impacts, mitigation and adaptation.
The main outcome is related to understanding causes underlying climate change at all spatial and temporal scales, with particular attention to detection and attribution.
Theoretical lectures
Climate variability and climate change;
Milanković’s cycles;
Recent climate change;
The causes;
Regional climate change;
Future climate/Climate projections;
Mitigation and Adaptation
Ducić V., Radovanović M. (2005): Climate of Serbia (Klima Srbije), Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.
IPCC (2013): Summary for Policymakers, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis.
Joseph L. Blast (2010): Seven Theories of Climate Change, The Heartland Institute.
NIPCC (2013): Summary for Policymakers, Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC),
Paleogeography and Paleoclimatology
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