Climate and Tourism Movement (NMT1I6)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Goran Anđelković
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 7
- Semester: I
- Number of classes: 3
The goal of the course is to acquire knowledge that the climate in some places and districts represents the basis of tourism, in others it is well-influenced and stimulated by tourism, in the third it limits, and even disables the fourth. For tourism movements it is necessary to know these climatic elements, including those complex ones. The geospatial specifics that are reflected in the existence of different microclimate, then coastal and continental climates are an indispensable task of study.
Training students to adequately examine the importance of climate studies in the process of tourist valorisation, because the climate appears both directly and indirectly as an indirect tourist value. With a complex climate study, students will learn about the benefits of climate for appropriate types of tourism, which will enable them to adequately plan activities for creating tourist services, tourist construction and tourist propaganda.
Theoretical teaching:
- Climate as a condition of tourism trends;
- Physical (real) climate as a factor of tourism trends;
- Specific types of climate as a tourist value (Primorje - Mediterranean climate and mountain climate);
- Microclimate, climate climate and climate concept;
- Meteorological observations as a condition of the tourist valorization of the climate;
- Processing of climatological data as a method of tourist valorization of the climate (parameters of climatic elements, Kepen's climate formula, complex climate indicators);
- Displaying climatological data in the function of tourist movements (tables and charts, climadiagrams, aircard postcards, climatic profiles);
- Time analysis and planning of tourist movements;
- The operation of the main climatic elements on the human organism (bioclima), the effect of weather changes on humans (biovere, meteoropathy) and thalassotherapy;
- Positive and negative effect of man on climate (climate melioration ...)
- Contemporary climate change and tourism (global warming, greenhouse effect, ozone holes, acid rain);
- Climate phenomena as a motivational factor for tourism trends;
- Climate phenomena as a limiting factor of tourism trends;
- Basic climatic characteristics of individual parts of the world;
- Climate as the tourist value of Serbia.
Theoretical teaching:
1. Climate as a condition of tourism trends;
2. Physical (real) climate as a factor of tourism trends;
3. Specific types of climate as a tourist value (Primorje - Mediterranean climate and mountain climate);
4. Microclimate, climate climate and climate concept;
5. Meteorological observations as a condition of the tourist valorization of the climate;
6. Processing of climatological data as a method of tourist valorization of the climate (parameters of climatic elements, Kepen's climate formula, complex climate indicators);
7. Displaying climatological data in the function of tourist movements (tables and charts, climadiagrams, aircard postcards, climatic profiles);
8. Time analysis and planning of tourist movements;
9. The operation of the main climatic elements on the human organism (bioclima), the effect of weather changes on humans (biovere, meteoropathy) and thalassotherapy;
10. Positive and negative effect of man on climate (climate melioration ...)
11. Contemporary climate change and tourism (global warming, greenhouse effect, ozone holes, acid rain);
12. Climate phenomena as a motivational factor for tourism trends;
13. Climate phenomena as a limiting factor of tourism trends;
14. Basic climatic characteristics of individual parts of the world;
15. Climate as the tourist value of Serbia.
Дукић, Д. (1981): Климатологија. Научна књига, Београд.
Милосављевић, М. (1990): Климатологија. Научна књига, Београд.
Дуцић В., Анђелковић Г. (2004): Климатологија – практикум за географе. Географски факултет, Београд.
Јовић Г, Пецељ М. (2007): Значај проучавања климе за туризам. Радови Филозофског факултета, бр. 9, Пале.
Станковић С.(1995): Клима као туристичка вредност. Гласник СГД, св 2. бр 75, Београд.
Ракићевић, Т. (1986): Клима као туристичка вредност Србије. Зборник радова Института за географију, св. 33, Београд.
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