Cartography with Topography (NOPP11O4)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Cartography with Topography (NOPP11O4)
Ph.D. Aleksandar Đorđević
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 6
- Semester: I
- Number of classes: 2+2
A student becomes a confident user of a map – he/she is able to read geographic information on a map, and is able to show his/her research results on a map.
A student is able to select the appropriate projection for his/her map, is able to make measurements on a topographic map, has developed the ability to ’read’ a map, is able to use a topographic map on the ground, has realized that a map is an essential part of a geographer’s (spatial planner’s) work.
Theoretical lectures
1) Introduction to cartography (subject and division of cartography); 2) A map (term, features, classification); 3) The shape and size of the Earth; a globe; 4) Geographic coordinate system; 5 Revision and assessment of the acquired knowledge: 1st. test; 6) Mathematical elements of a map; the scale; 7) Cartographic projections; 8) Deformations on maps; 9) Azimuth cartographic projections; Revision and assessment of the acquired knowledge: 2nd. test; 10) Cylindrical cartographic projections; 11) Gauss-Krüger cartographic projection; 12) Selection of a cartographic projection; 13) Geographical elements of a map and their depiction; cartographic signs; 14) Presenting a relief; cartographic generalization; Final revision. Attendance verification.
Practical lectures
1) Topographic maps and plans: elements, content; 2) Reading of a topographic map; 3-4) Determining the right-angle and the geographic coordinates on topographic maps; 5) Revision and assessment of the acquired knowledge: 1st. test; 6) Measurement of distances on topographic maps; 7) Determining elevation of a point and relief features on a topographic map; 8) Measuring azimuth and angles of inclination on topographic maps; 9) Revision and assessment of the acquired knowledge: 2nd. test; 10) Construction of topographic profiles and block diagrams; 11) Measurement of surfaces on topographic maps; 12) Orientation in space; 13-14) Using a topographic map on the ground: map orientation, determining a standpoint, comparison of the map contents with the surrounding environment; 15) Final revision. Attendance verification.
Lješević, M., Živković, D. (2001). Kartografija. Beograd: MagicMap.
Peterca, M., Radošević, N., Milisavljević, S., Racetin, F. (1974). Kartografija. Beograd: VGI.
Tadić, M. (2004). Matematička geografija. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.
Milojković, B. (2003). Topografija. Beograd: Policijska akademija.
Topografski znaci: priručnik za korisnike topografskih karata. Beograd: VGI. (1981).
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