Biogeography 2 (NOG22O4)



Due to the joint influence of abiotic and biotic factors, the general principles living organisms’ distribution on the Earth are seen in the context of the dynamics of historical development and recent conditions. The chorological approach to the research principles of zoogeography ensures the identification of characteristic ecological and biogeographical features of the main representatives of the terrestrial fauna in relation to the complex physico-geographical conditions and the corresponding conditions formed among members of the life communities. The course Biogeography 2 will also emphasize the importance of human impact to contemporary conditions in which the actual status of biodiversity is examined. Anthropogenic factor will be analyzed through activities identified as major degradation factors, but also through current approaches and strategic guidelines for the protection and improvement of biodiversity.


By acquiring basic knowledge about biogeographical principles, students will be able to continue their further education towards current applied ecological and biogeographical disciplines whose significance in contemporary conditions of environmental degradation and endangering biodiversity is undeniable and increasingly prominent. Improvement of the educational component in the field of biogeography, biodiversity and nature protection that will be implemented in the students’ future professional career.

Theoretical lectures

1. The basic scientific postulates of zoogeography; 2. Principles of spatial classification of terrestrial fauna; 3. Diversity and specifics of New Zealand faunal region; 4. Diversity and specifics of Australian faunal region; 5. Diversity and specifics of Polynesian faunal region; 6. Diversity and specifics of Neotropical faunal region; 7. Diversity and specifics of Madagascar faunal region; 8. Diversity and specifics of Ethiopian faunal region; 9. Diversity and specifics of Indomalayan faunal region; 10. Diversity and specifics of Holarctic faunal region; 11. Definition and importance of biodiversity; 12. Biodiversity (current status of global biodiversity – terrestrial biodiversity hot spots and marine biodiversity hot spots); 13. Analytical overview of major threats to biodiversity; 14. In situ and ex situ conservation; 15. Definition of ecoregions.

Practical lectures

1. Introductory overview of systematics and taxonomy of animals with basic overview of Animal Kingdom (Animalia) diversity; 2. Mapping of spatial classification and distribution of terrestrial fauna; 3-5. Analysis of ecological and biogeographical features of distribution conditions on the representative species examples - Mammalia Classes (spatial approach); 6-7. Analysis of ecological and biogeographical features of distribution conditions on the representative species examples – Aves Classes (spatial approach); 8. Analysis of ecological and biogeographical features of distribution conditions on the representative examples of families from Reptilia and Amphibia Classes (spatial approach); 9-10. Analysis of current status of endangered species (major threats, protection activities, international protection status…); 11. Field trip to the ZOO garden; 12. Field trip to the protected area; 13. Colloquium; 13-15. Presentations of essays.

Јанковић М., Атанацковић Б. (1999): Биогеографија са педологијом, Географски факултет, Београд.

Филиповић Д., Ђурђић С. (2008): Еколошке основе просторног планирања – практикум, Географски факултет, Београд.

Stevanović V., Vasić V. eds. (1995): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja, Biološki fakultet, Ecolibri, Beograd.

Бобрински Н.А. (1956): Зоогеографија, Нолит, Београд.

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