Biogeography (13OZS12O2)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Snežana Đurđić
Marko Langović
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 2+1
Due to the joint influence of abiotic and biotic factors, the general principles living organisms’ distribution on the Earth are seen in the context of the dynamics of historical development and recent conditions. The chorological approach to the research principles of phytogeography and zoogeography ensures the identification of characteristic ecological and biogeographical features of major vegetation types (biomes) and terrestrial fauna in relation to the complex physico-geographical conditions and the corresponding conditions formed among members of the life communities.
By acquiring basic knowledge about biogeographical principles, students will be able to continue their further education towards current applied ecological and biogeographical disciplines whose significance in contemporary conditions of environmental degradation and endangering biodiversity is undeniable and increasingly prominent.
Theoretical lectures
1. Definition, aims, methods of biogeographical research and its historical development; 2. The basic postulates of areography, features of geographic range, mapping of geographic range; 3. Geographic range – origins, shapes and types; 4. Size of geographic range (cosmopolitism and endemism), time-frame of geographic range origins; 5. The general principles of distribution of basic vegetation types on the Earth; 6. The ecological and biogeographical features of basic vegetation types (biomes) on the Earth; 7. Principles of altitudinal (vertical) vegetation zonation; 8. Phytogeographical division of biosphere – floristic realms; 9. Spatial classification principles of terrestrial fauna; 10. Diversity and specifics of New Zealand, Australian and Polynesian faunal regions; 11. Diversity and specifics of Neotropical faunal region; 12. Diversity and specifics of Madagascar faunal region; 13. Diversity and specifics of Ethiopian faunal region; 14. Diversity and specifics of Indomalayan faunal region; 15. Diversity and specifics of Holarctic faunal region;
Practical lectures
1. Geographical distribution of basic vegetation types – global distribution; 2. Analysis of The ecological and biogeographical features of basic vegetation types (biomes) on the Earth – biomes of tropical and subtropical zones; 3. Biomes of temperate latitudes; 4. Biomes of boreal and cold climate zones; 5. Phytogeographical division of Southeastern Europe and Balkan peninsula; 6. Types of vertical vegetation zonation of Balkan peninsula; 7. Mapping of spatial classification of terrestrial fauna; 8. Analysis of ecological and biogeographical features of distribution conditions on the representative species examples - Mammalia Classes (spatial approach); 9. Analysis of ecological and biogeographical features of distribution conditions on the representative species examples – Aves Classes (spatial approach); 10. Analysis of ecological and biogeographical features of distribution conditions on the representative examples of families from Reptilia and Amphibia Classes (spatial approach); 11. Field trip to the ZOO; 12. Field trip to the protected area; 13. Colloquium; 14-15. Presentations of essays.
Јанковић М., Атанацковић Б. (1999): Биогеографија са педологијом, Географски факултет, Београд.
Филиповић Д., Ђурђић С. (2008): Еколошке основе просторног планирања – практикум, Географски факултет, Београд.
Stevanović V., Vasić V. eds. (1995): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja, Biološki fakultet, Ecolibri, Beograd.
Šilić Č. (1990): Atlas drveća i grmlja, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Sarajevo i Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.
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