Biodiversity and Tourism (NMT2I2)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Snežana Đurđić
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 7
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 3
By organizing the development of tourism activities in an environmentally sustainable and responsible manner, tourism can contribute to the protection, conservation and promotion of biological diversity through the valorization of its values as a primary or complementary motive in tourism trends. The aim of the course is to highlight the overlapping of the trends in the development of tourism in the areas where the diversity of the biota and their habitats is the most frequent, and to point to the indications that this process (in the present, and especially in the projected expectations) is in the process of endangering the state of biodiversity (or its improvements) and to improve the quality of the standard of living of the domicile population. It is necessary to emphasize the interaction effect of tourism promotion and valorization of the value of biodiversity through a series of positive and negative aspects of the autochthonous habitats of living organisms and their communities, which primarily arise from the process of transformation of the habitat (conversion of habitat), but undoubtedly and increased anthropogenic pressure.
Consideration and application possibilities of coexistence of the development and promotion of tourism activities in regions where there are significant areas of biodiversity at the global, regional and national levels, with the sustainable use and presentation of natural resources.
Theoretical lectures
1. Definition and importance of biodiversity (scientific, ecological, aesthetic, ethical, economic importance….); 2. Current status of global biodiversity and major threats; 3. In situ approach to biodiversity conservation (in situ protection – protected areas); 4. Ex situ conservation – ZOOs and botanical gardens, natural history museum etc. and their valorization in tourism; 5. International status of protected areas (biodiversity hot spots) and tourism; 6. International status of protected areas (marine biodiversity hot spots) and tourism; 7. International status of protected areas (Biosphere reserves, World natural heritage sites, Wilderness areas…); 8. Ares of preserved biodiversity values of global and regional importance as tourism destinations (biodiversity as primary and complementary tourism value); 9. System of nature protection in Serbia; 10. Valorization of protected natural values in context of tourism development (case study Serbia); 11. Specific types of organization and realization of tourism movement in ecologically sensitive areas (ecotourism, some aspects of hunting tourism, bird-watching, photo-safari…); 12. Ecological effects of tourism development in destinations of protected biodiversity values; 13. Economic effects of tourism development in destinations of protected biodiversity values (indicators: number of tourists, incomes, tourism incomes in GNP, tourism infrastructure development…); 14. Ecological education and promotion of biodiversity values in tourism market.
Stevanović, V., Vasić, V. eds. (1995): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja, Biološki fakultet i Ecolibri, Beograd.
Јовичић, Д. (1997): Развој туризма и заштита природе у националним парковима, Веларта, Београд.
Јовичић, Д. (2010): Туризам и животна средина, Тон Плус, Београд.
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