Basics of Environmental Education (13OZS41I4)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Slavoljub Jovanović
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 5
  • Semester: VII
  • Number of classes: 2+2

Introduce students with basic principles, concept, as well as goals and tasks of ecological education and upbringing; Develop students' knowledge of the basic determinants of environmental awareness, as well as their interdependence; Develop students' ability to recognize the influence of different factors on the development of ecological awareness and pro-ecological habits; Develop students' knowledge of forms of influence of formal and informal aspects of education on the development of ecological awareness of young people; Develop students' competence to adequately transfer ecological knowledge during the teaching process and to educate students in order to form pro-ecological habits, as well as environmental awareness of students.

Forming knowledge about the latest scientific research in the field of ecological education.

Theoretical lectures

Ecological education and upbringing; International activities and programmes related to ecological education and upbringing; Goals and tasks of ecological education and upbringing; Ecological awareness; Determinants of ecological awareness and its interdependence; Pro-ecological behaviour; Predictors of pro-ecological behaviour; Antropocentric vs. ecocentric orientation value and role of empathy in the formation of ecological behaviour; Factors of development of ecological awareness; Formal ecological education and upbringing in Serbia; Environmental protection in the non-formal education system; Ecological education - practice and experience in international frameworks; Methodological aspects of ecological education and upbringing.

Practical lectures

Personal norms, value orientation, empathy, attitude of ecological responsibility, confidence in the ability to solve ecological problems and readiness for ecological action, as predictors of pro-ecological behaviour; Non-governmental organizations and environmental education; Media and environmental education; Family and environmental education; School and environmental education; Role of ecological actions in the development of ecological awareness and pro-ecological behaviour of young people; Ecological contents in primary and secondary school curricula; Specificity of interdisciplinary approach to teaching/learning of environmental protection in primary and secondary schools; University ecological education; Teacher as a model, expert and methodologist; Application of teaching methods, forms of work and teaching materials when studying contents on environmental protection.

Andevski M., (1997): Uvod u ekološko obrazovanje, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad.;

Angelus J., (2003). Društveno partnerstvo kao ključni element promena u obrazovanju o životnoj sredini. Zbornik nacionalnog savetovanja "Obrazovanje o životnoj sredini u reformisanoj školi i društvu", Ekolibri, Beograd;

Grupa autora (1995): Zeleni putokazi, Priručnik za ekološko obrazovanje vaspitača i učitelja, Dečja ustanova ″Vračar″, Beograd;

Živković R., (2003). Obrazovanje o životnoj sredini i reforma obrazovanja, Zbornik nacionalnog savetovanja "Obrazovanje o životnoj sredini u reformisanoj školi i društvu", Ekolibri, Beograd;

Jeronen E., Kaikkonen M. (2007): Thoughts of children and adults about the environment and environmental education, international research In geographical and environmental education, Vol 11, No 4.

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