Applied Ecology (13OZS22O3)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Snežana Đurđić
Ph.D. Ivan Novković
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: IV
- Number of classes: 2+1
As anthropogenic influence is increasingly present in ecosystems, this is their originality exposed to numerous and complex degradation. The applied ecology aims to determine the optimal conditions for the maintenance and use of biotic resources, due to the study of causal relations between ecological and biotic conditions, and anthropogenic impacts. Due to a series of specific methodological procedures it is possible to achieve controlled use of resources, but also to revitalize the endangered and degraded values of various ecosystems.
The outcome of the course is application of acquired knowledge in the practice of nature and environment protection.
Theoretical lectures
1. Definition, aims and methodology of applied ecology; 2. Managing of terrestrial ecosystems – degradation factors and habitat loss; 3. Degradation and managing of forest ecosystems; 4. Degradation and managing of grass vegetation; 5. Degradation and managing of desert ecosystems; 6. Degradation and managing of marine ecosystems; 7. Degradation and managing of freshwater ecosystems; 8. Ecosystem restoration; 9. Managing populations (identification of endangering factors – overexploitation, indirect anthropogenic influences…); 10. Managing populations (competition, allochthonous and invasive species….); 11. Direct influences through populations (introduction, reintroduction, translocation of species…); 12. Ex situ conservation approach – ZOOs and botanical gardens (advantages and disadvantages); 13. Influence of landscapes structure changes on managing ecosystems; 14. Managing of protected areas; 15. Ecological approach in spatial planning.
Practical lectures
1-2. Planning and designing of green areas; 3-4. Manual of vegetation valorization manual; 5-8. Analysis of autochthonous species – case studies: protected areas, public green areas etc. 9-10. Analysis of autochthonous species – case studies: hunting reserves in Serbia; 11-12. Field studies in facilities for species reproduction and recultivation; 13. Colloquium; 14-15. Presentations of essays.
Јанковић М., Атанацковић Б. (1999): Биогеографија са педологијом, Географски факултет, Београд.
Филиповић Д., Ђурђић С. (2008): Еколошке основе просторног планирања – практикум, Географски факултет, Београд.
Јанковић М. (1987): Фитоекологија, Научна књига, Београд.
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