Application of Physical-geography Research (2013D21I1)

-to examine the possibilities of applying physical/geographical research;
-application of physical research in spatial planning;
-introduction to methods used to assess natural sources;
-Introduction to water budget and river load calculations;
-physical geography research and water management;
-physicalfactors determining the potential natural hazards; mapping natural hazards.

Acquired knowledge and developed skills related to application of physical geography.

Theoretical lectures

- Application of physical geography in spatial planning: the analysis, evaluation and valorization of natural sources;
- Application of physical geography and water management; hydro-electrical power generation; water transportation; fishing; tourism
- Environmental protection from floods, erosion, torrent, pollution
- Physical geography and natural hazards: potential; classification; impacts; mapping.

  1. Dukić, D., Gavrilović, Lj. (1994). Vodni bilans SR Jugoslavije (Water budget in SR Yugoslavia).Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 74 (1).
  2. Gavrilović, Lj. i Dukić, D. (2002).Reke Srbije (Rivers in Serbia).Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1-218.
  3. Gavrilovic, Lj., Milanovic, A., Urosev, M. (2012). A Hydrological Analysis of the Greatest Floods in Serbia in the 1960-2010 Period.Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7 (4), 107-116.
  4. Dragićević, S. i Filipović, D. (2009). Prirodni uslovi i nepogode u planiranju i zaštiti prostora (Natural conditions and disasters in spatial planning and environmental protection). Beograd: Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 1-272.
  5. Dragicevic, S., Filipovic, D., Kostadinov, S., Ristic, R., Novkovic, I., Zivkovic, N., Andjelkovic, G., Abolmasov, B., Secerov, V., Djurdjic, S. (2011): Natural Hazard Assessment for Land-use Planning in Serbia.International Journal of Environ­men­tal Research, 5(2), pp. 371-380.
  6. Dragićević, S., Mészáros, M., Djurdjić, S., Pavić, D., Novković, I., Tošić, R. (2013): Vulnerability of national parks to natural hazards in the Serbian Danube region. Polish journal of environmental studies, 22(4): 75-82
  7. Počuča, N. (2008).Ekohidrologija (Zagadjenje i zaštita voda) (Ecohydrology). Beograd: Gradjevinska knjiga, 1-237.

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