Anthropology (NOD12I2)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 6
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 2+2
- Condition: /
Introduction to human evolution, major demographic trends in prehistory. Introduction to paleodemography - methods for the reconstruction and analysis of demographic aspects of past populations.
Basic understanding and knowledge of the methods of paleodemographic research.
Theoretical lectures
Theory of evolution. Evolution of Australopithecus. Evolution of the Homo genus. Human skeleton as a source for studying the past. Estimating sex from skeletal remains. Estimating individual age from skeletal remains. Skeletal paleodemography. Life tables. Effects of culture on demographic trends. Infectious diseases in the past and their consequences. The Neolithic demographic expansion. Causes of the increase of fertility during the Neolithic period.
Practical lectures
Demonstratio and practice of sex and age estimation on the human osteological material. Application of paleodemographic methods with an aim to infer past population trends.
Human evolution:
Tucić, N. 1999. Evolucija, čovek i društvo. Dosije: Beograd. (стр.. 65-86; 99-140).
W. A. Haviland, Kulturna antropologija. Naklada Slаp, Jasterbarsko, 2002. Poglavlje 3
Human skeleton, sex and age estimation:
Стефановић, С. Физичка антропологија. Ауторизована скрипта.
Anthropology, demography and paleodemography:
Порчић, М. 2016. Палеодемографија: критички преглед теорије, метода и истраживања. Београд: Лабораторија за биоархеологију. Поглавља 1,2,4, и 7.
General anthropology:
А. Палавестра, Културни контексти археологије. Филозофски факултет, Београд, 2011. Поглавља 1, 2, 3, 4, и 5.
W. A. Haviland, Kulturna antropologija. Naklada Slаp, Jasterbarsko, 2002. Poglavlja 1,2.
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