Animation in Tourism (NOT31O4)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 3
- Semester: V
- Number of classes: 2
The subject aim is to perceive the importance, opportunities and organizational forms of animation of tourists during their stay in tourist destinations. This implies an analysis of the importance of animation programs for recreational activities for visitors to destinations.
The mastering of this subject enables the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for the animation of guests of tourist destinations. In this regard, it is necessary for students to understand the importance of good communication and interactive relationship on the relation of tourist host through this subject.
Theoretical lectures
1. Significance of tourist animation. 2. Forms of animation. 3. Economic aspects of tourist animation. 4. Organizational forms of animation. 5. Daily sports and recreational activities and facilities. 6. Animation of children and youth. 7. The importance and modalities of improving communication with tourists/guests and among guests. 8. Organizing a tournament according to type systems of the competition. 9. Daily and multi-day excursions. 10. Creating an animation team. 11. Building the dynamics of the event. 12. Models of programs for individual age groups of tourist clients. 13. Animation in different types of destinations. 14. Seasonality of tourism and animation of tourists. 15. Changes in the tourist market and tourist animation.
Душан Митић (2001): Рекреација, Факултет за спорт и физичко васпитање, Београд.
IVANOVSKI, Aleksandar, MITIĆ, Dušan. Animator in tourism. Braşov: Universitǎţii "Transilvania", International monography, 2012. 121 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-606-19-0139-5. [COBISS.SR-ID513964460]
Зденко Церовић (2008): Анимација у туризму, Факултет за менаџмент у туризму и угоститељству, Опатија.
Митић, Д.:, Програм едукације запослених у туризму, 2007. Министарство трговине, туризма и услуга, Партија 7 Управљање у здравственом туризму, Тема 7. УПРАВЉАЊЕ СПОРТСКО РЕКРЕАТИВНИМ УСЛУГАМА Зборник радова, ФАБУС, Нови Сад, 2007.
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